Monday, 23 January 2012

You might be interested.....

.....that I've started a new blog! With a theme of gardening.

Follow the link to take a peek!

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Turn Moss Lake

If you look on a map you won't find this lake but it's not a figment of my imagination. When the rain is heavy - as it's been of late - this lake appears on the meadows where I walk Dash. It was beautiful yesterday with the seagulls competing with the crows to make an almighty racket.
If you're a poet with some poems on the theme of water, you might be interested in this competition. It's only £5 to enter up to 3 poems, which seems quite reasonable as the cash prizes are good. The judges are John Burnside and WN Herbert, but the closing date is this coming Friday - so get your skates (or fins) on!