Sunday 27 September 2009

Shark wrestler woman

No swimming today. Good job I hadn't planned to be up early, as technical difficulties with yesterday's post triggered my obsessive tendencies and prevented me from turning in last night till way past my normal bedtime. Just before I hit the 'publish post' button, I decided to adjust the time setting to bring it in line with the actual time here in the UK.

Late night meddling never pays off. Somehow I put the post on hold and scheduled its publication for some point in the future. I also managed to alter the datelines on recent posts as well. I was unable to leave this chaos and sleep on it. I reached a kind of resolution by setting my time zone to Alaska. I can't fathom how to correct this, so I hope my son will apply his teenage genius later in the week.

Today (which incidentally is Sunday) my sister in Australia phoned. This prompted me to think about significant swims which I had in Australia when I went to visit her with my husband and my other sister, long ago in 1987. I dug out our old photos and found this one, posed by me and my sisters, which is a particular favourite and a reminder of that incredible summer, the year after we got married.

For part of our visit we took a road trip from Brisbane up to Cairns, staying in some spectacular locations. We snorkelled over the coral reef and swam in the clearest water with beautiful fish and sea creatures.

A few years later when we had children, they loved this picture. I lied to them that after it was taken, I had to wrestle off a troublesome shark which attacked me while I was swimming. At school they told their friends about my exploits. When they got older they frequently challenged my veracity, but I always felt compelled to stick to my guns and insist I had carried out the feats as described. Now I hope they can cope with the truth and not be too disappointed in me. Sorry, kids.

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