Sunday 13 February 2011

Money Well Spent

Four Poetry School classes this term and four poems in the can - I'm pleased to be on such a creative roll!  
Week 1 was the deconstructed sonnet (Rilke). Week 2 inspired by a piece of 'bad' art (Elizabeth Bishop). Week 3 an interaction with a gallery (WH Auden) - mine was the Whitworth, above and below which, when I visited, featured a wonderful fairytale forest (fairytale in a scary Babes in the Wood way). 
In week 4, after looking at some of William Carlos Williams' poems including The Hunters In The Snow (after Brueghel), we write our own about a Brueghel painting - in words of one syllable! Mine is done. I'm now engaged with the drafting, v. enjoyable as I can be fairly obsessive. 


  1. This sounds completely fascinating. It's left me thirsting to know more about the individual projects.

    An enjoyable blog. I have had a pleasant time looking round. Congratulations.

  2. thank you Dave I'm glad you like it! and maybe I'll get/make time to write in more detail about the exercises John McAuliffe has set us - I'm currently getting my head round this week's homework - more of that later!
